life is so boring today...is it true...i don't know...
what made me happy?
i also don't know...
just do this today...
6.00 am : wake up in the morning..wash my face,brush my teeth and read physics
6.30 am : take a bath...make up(i meant dress to school, have breakfast)
7.10 am : talk to my teddy...bye2...i'm going to school now..
7.20 am : reach school...say hye to nobody just bye to my youngest sister
7.30 am : conversation with najwa, phim and zarrin
7.40 am : physics class
9.40 am : recess time....just accompany najwa n phim eat at the school canteen
10.10 am : bahasa melayu class...finish spm trial kelantan
11.30 am : time for calculation..(mathematics class)...some jokes there
12.00 noon : waiting for ayah to fetch
12.30 pm : buy food, eat
1.00 pm : have siesta...
2.00 pm : take a bath....ready to school n library
3.30 pm : women police cadet party
4.15 pm : off to library...
5.30 pm : back home
6.00 pm : out for dinner at pizza
- nothing to do at night....study biology...
- may Allah help me in all my things to do
- bless me
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